The Jewish world is losing its ability to discuss its cultural differences. Our intra-Jewish dialogue is becoming less coherent. Indeed, the very ideas underlying our Jewish identities, ideas shaped by our language of values, are diverging. The language we use to describe our values is becoming more specific to the respective Jewish communities to which
You have to love a dry scientific journal of business management that publishes an article entitled “A Stupidity Based Theory of Organizations” (Journal of Management Studies 49:7, Nov. 2012). From the title, one might assume the article is a humorous send up of management theory. Instead, we find an original, thought-provoking analysis painfully applicable to
“Nearly seventy years after the Shoah, the encounter between Israeli and American Jews can be heartwarming but also full of friction and even alienation.” READ MORE on Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, May 2013
It has been hard of late to be a supporter of dialogue in this fractured Holy Land. The recent trend toward unilateralism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in large part an expression of disillusionment with dialogue. The “disengagement” or “convergence” plans and the electoral (and military) victories of the rejectionists such as Hamas are part of